There is one type of VIN for fourth generation Camaros. (See below for links to other years)
1993-2002 CAMARO VIN (Example: 2G1FP22P1P2100001)
Vehicle Identification Number Example: 2G1FP22P1P2100001
First Digit Nation of Origin: 1=USA, 2=Canada
Second Digit Division: G=General Motors
Third Digit: 1=Chevrolet
Fourth Digit: F=All models
Fifth Digit Model: P=Camaro Coupe or Z28
Six & Seven Digits Body Style: 22=Coupe, 32=Convertible
Eigth Digit Engine: See Engine Codes Below
Ninth Digit is Check digit
Tenth Digit Year: P=93, R=94, S=95, T=96, V=97, W=98, X=99, Y=00, 1=01, 2=02
Eleventh Digit: 2=All models
Last Six Digits increase by one with each car built at each plant